Singing of the Office of the Dead in front of the Tapestry of Creation in the Cathedral of Girona by Toni Madueño. The Gregorian chant of the mass for the dead, which makes us think of the sea and the waves, the wind, the calm of the brook or the light of the dawn, has accompanied us on the path of pain, of vain excuses, of judgment, of repentance, of supplication, of prayer and, finally, of hope: “Come, for all is ready. Eat my bread and drink my wine”. A path that has been presided over by the Tapestry of Creation. In the middle of the circle that represents eternity is the creator God. The Tapestry is like a journey from eternity to the time of created things.
The office of the deceased accompanies us on the journey of return, from time to eternity with God.